Activities - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education


  本學院除於三月十五日舉行慶功宴,表揚各部在校際比賽為校爭光的學生及指導老師外(四百餘人),又於四月二日下午一時中學部舉行的2011-2012 學年度休業式中,頒發各類獎學金或獎金獎章獎狀予品學兼優的學生及曾在國際或全菲校際競賽中揚名,或在校內課外活動表現特優的學生。


  繼後司儀吳麗玟老師依次請各部主任宣佈獲獎學生,並請黃美真院長、副院長Mrs Carmelita Espino、院長室助理姚培華、施純青及中英文部正副主任協助,頒發各種獎學金、獎金、獎章或獎狀。




   今年七月四日至八日,蒞臨本院指導書法藝術的巡廻教師為凃昌裕老師。凃老師為華梵大學美術研究所書法組研究生,曾任逢甲大學書法社書法比賽評審、台中市 大里區大元國小美術資優班及台中縣文化中心暑期青少年書法班及其他組織書法老師,現任中華弘道書學會副秘書長及養心書法教室老師、是一位年輕才華洋溢的書 法家。



All Systems Go for Free Seminar on Legalizing Business

The tarpaulins have been hung and the handouts readied for collating as Chiang Kai Shek College puts the finishing touches on its preparation for the seminar "Legalizing Business." Made possible through the generous support of Metrobank Foundation Inc., the seminar is the first bilingual - English and Mandarin - program of its kind.

Practising lawyers will be the presenters/discussants during the two-day seminar. Atty. Danny Chan will talk about Legal Environment and Business Registration and Taxation on the first day. On the second day, Labor Laws and Employment Standards will be discussed by Atty. Peter Kho while Atty. Chin Chih Lin will talk about Laws on Persons, Status, Residency and Immigration. Given their varied experiences, the lawyer-speakers are expected to give practical, down-to-earth answers to participants' questions.

The seminar scheduled on November 24 and 25 is Metrobank Foundation's way of helping to reduce poverty in the country.



   訪問團陣容龐大,共有廿五人,包括顧問五位,即廈門市教育基金會名譽理事長莊亨浩先生、顧問張斌生先生、副理事長兼秘書長張嚴梅女士、顧問莊炳生先生、 名譽理事李德權。成員廿位,團長為該基金會「李昭進教育基金」管理小組組長陳雅卿女士、副團長為基金會副理事長黃守忠先生、秘書長為基金會副秘書長張旭紅 女士、團員有「李昭進教育基金」管理小組成員許瓊琳先生、張毅勤先生、團長助理陳東先生、廈門市中小學「十佳班主任」事嘖彙編總編陳撫先生、廈門市「十佳 班主任」同安一中高級教師張南木先生、檳榔小學高級教師劉 世 英女士、松柏中學高級教師蘇善琴女士、集美區曾營小學高級教師楊娜青女士、詩坂中學一級教師黃 振 勸女士、湖里中心小學高級教師涂琦女士、同安區美林中學一級教師林麗芬女士、同安新民中心小學高級教師邵雪如女士、工商旅遊學校高級講師林金環女士、廈門 美名宣品牌策劃諮詢有限公司總經理尚曉男(銘軒女士)、廈門市第二實驗小學學生陳宇詩、廈門蓮花小學學生洪廣澤、廈門外國語學校附屬小學陳嘉媛等。


Chiang Kai Shek College Reviving Up for Free "Legalizing Business" Seminar

The Narra campus of Chiang Kai Shek College is a-buzz with preparations for the seminar "Legalizing Business". The two-day seminar, to be held on November 24 and 25, is made possible through the support of Metrobank Foundation. The seminar aims to help potential and actual Filipino-chinese entrepreneurs by providing useful information and tips on starting a business or registering it.

The seminar will cover the following topics: Legal Environment, Business Registration and Taxation, Labor Laws and Employment Standards, and Laws on Persons, Status, Residency and Immigration. To maximize benefits and learning from the seminar, the discussion of these topics will be in two languages: English and Mandarin.

Chinese migrants and Filipino-chinese currently engaged in business or planning to start one soon, are urged to sttend the seminar. The free seminar will also give the participants a seminar kit, a certificate of participation, and free meals/snacks.

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