Activities - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

中正學院附設泉笙培幼園 師生共慶中秋佳節







   除了這個活動外,我們還和幼兒們觀賞《后羿射太陽》、《嫦娥奔月》的影帶、做小燈籠的美勞加工等等。小班有一位可愛的小朋友對嫦娥的故事印象特別深,看到園內佈置板上有嫦娥的圖片,高興地直呼:『那是嫦娥!』當天活動結束前,我們還提醒小朋友晚上要和爸爸媽媽賞月,看看那月亮是否真的又圓又亮喔! 9/20/2014

Buwan ng Wika at Kasaysayan 2014

The Chiang Kai Shek College Office of English Academic Affairs, through its Middle School department, celebrates Buwan ng Wika at Kasaysayan through an activity called "History On-The-Go". Students visit every classroom and perform songs, dances, elocutions - depicting Philippine history in snaps. The performers have represented different historical epochs featuring famous people and events through a re-enactment or a short dramatization in full costume. 
This activity features the essence of understanding the lesson not just through memorization but by its value in one's life.  Aside from students' enjoying the presentation afforded to them by their fellow students, they have internalized the relevance of studying Philippine History in their lives as Filipinos. This also strengthens the idea that true education depends on its ability to enlighten and transform people in the process.

中正學院語言中心 開辦第二期語言課



開辦課程包括華語 ( 普通話 )能力系列課程、商貿漢語、英語會話、商貿英語、閩南語以及Tagalog ( 菲語)班。

即日起接受報名,研習期滿,將頒發結業證書 (中英文版)。

報名及上課地點 : 1477 Narra St. Tondo, Mla. ( 中正學院大學部語言中心 ) 電話 : 252-3668 。 凡有興趣學習者,請把握良機,從速報名。

Career Orientation Program 2014 for Junior, Senior Students

The Chiang Kai Shek College Office of English Academic Affairs and Office of Student Life organized a Career Orientation Program on August 15, 2014, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, at the main auditorium.

This activity, attended by Grade 9 and Fourth Year students, aimed to define success and its significance in choosing their specializations in higher learning. The Career Orientation featured guest speakers - five outstanding CKS College alumni who discussed success through the lens of hard work and determination. Warner Lee talked about franchise operations, Neil Phillip Chan and Roy Guerra discussed the challenges and privileges of entrepreneurial ventures, Jed Gregorio explained why little passion matters, and Eugenie Tiu, being a researcher/academician, emphasized the relevance of having a dream in meeting success face-to-face.  

The Career Orientation hopes to encourage students to pursue their passion in life, to excel in what they do, and to consider difficulties as part of the whole learning process in life that they do not need to dread but savor to the utmost.

Chiang Kai Shek College Faculty's Senate Tour

The Chiang Kai Shek (CKS) College Office of English Academic Affairs, headed by Dr. Glendora V. Tiu, in its desire to uplift the quality and relevance of education it offers, spearheaded a trip for CKS College faculty to the Senate of the Philippines on August 6, 2014. The senate trip was scheduled this month to show strong support in celebrating Buwan ng Wika at Kasaysayan.  

It is also an enrichment activity for both academic and non-academic faculty as Chiang Kai Shek College turns 75 this October.

Around 75 people were received warmly by Senators Grace Poe and Sonny Trillanes. The two outstanding senators were generous to give not just time but also attention as they responded to some important issues raised during the meeting: education, environment, transport system, public safety and order, disputed islands, and  most especially tax repeal and tax incentives for teachers. Other senators who entertained the group informally were Senators Pimentel and Escudero.  

Dr. Tiu aims to enrich teachers' exposure to aspects of development. Thus, trips to other branches of the government are in the pipeline.

Information: Dr. Glendora Tiu


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  2. 中正學院語言中心, 第三期課程圓滿結業
  3. 8月12日至17日舉辦華閩共學研習會
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