Activities - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Prof. Baviera opens the CKS College Narra Campus Golden Symposia

In line with the 50th Founding Anniversary of the Chiang Kai Shek College-Narra Campus, the Golden Symposia was organized as a venue for exchange of new ideas and latest perspective on Philippine-China Relation on January 14, February 4, and 5, 2016 at the CKS College Auditorium.
Prof. Aileen San Pablo-Baviera, Ph. D. was the first scheduled resource speaker to lecture about the China-Southeast Asia Relations to the Senior High School Students last January 14, 2016 from 2PM to 4PM in the CKS College Auditorium. She is currently a Professor at the Asian Center, University of the Philippines, where she also served as Dean from 2003-2009. She also has a visiting professor appointment at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. Since July 2010, she has served as editor-in-chief of the refereed academic journal Asian Politics & Policy (Wiley-Blackwell).
She has authored over one hundred published works, delivered presentations and remarks at close to 200 international and national conferences. Likewise, she has advised pro bono, past or present in the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of National Defense, the National Security Council and the Philippine Navy. She has also lectured at the Foreign Service Institute, the National Defense College and various training institutions of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Prof. Baviera in her lecture stressed the importance of maintaining harmonious diplomatic relations between China and South East Asia despite the territorial dispute in order to sustain the economic growth in the region.
Another lecture will be delivered by Prof. Aurora Lim (UP Diliman) about China's Vision of the New Silk Route and its implications on Philippine-China Relations on February 4. Then, Prof. Benito Lim (Ateneo de Manila) will tackle Philippine-China Relations, Current Social-Political-Economic Developments in China, and China's Role in Global Affairs on February 5.
The lecture-series aims to enumerate the advantages of strengthening the Philippines-China relation, trace the beginning and direction of the Philippine-China relation, and promote positive outlook on Philippine-China relation.

CKS College Junior HS conducts Career Orientation Talk

To address the needs of the modern times –proper guidance of the learners in choosing a career path congruent to their skills, academic aptitude, and character, the Junior High School Department – English Instruction, in cooperation with the Senior High School Department and Guidance and Counseling Department, held a Career Orientation Talk participated in by Grades 9 and 10 students last January 13, 2016 at the College Auditorium. 

The said activity consisted of two parts:  “Orientation of CKS College Senior High School Curriculum” conducted by Dr. Raymond Datuon, CKS College School of Education Dean and Program Head of the Senior High School, from 8:30 to 9: 30 in the morning, and “Developmental Career Education Programs: Career Paths and Choices” by Mr. Junn Geronimo, Editor-in-Chief of Schoolguide Paths magazines and researcher, from 10 in the morning up to 12 in the afternoon. Dr. Datuon provided the students vital information about the different academic tracks offered by the Senior High School; on the other hand, Mr. Geronimo discussed comprehensively general overview of different college programs, diversity of career opportunities, and factors of career choices, and this was followed by an open forum which helped in enlightening the students in making crucial decisions.
The program was spearheaded by selected students from Grade 10 – A as emcees with Mrs. Cynthia Yap, Acting Supervisor of Junior High School Department, for the opening remarks and Mrs. Eugenia Martin, Acting Director for Academic Affairs of English Instruction, for the closing remarks. 

中正學院行政、教學團隊禮訪Southville 國際學校

中正學院自校長潘露莉博士上任以來, 不論在教學及行政上均不斷創新。 為了鼓勵教師們創新求變,潘校長也為本校教職員安排參觀不同學校, 希望能因此而截長補短, 以期中正學院能持續未來百年樹人大業。

繼去年系列訪問周華校以後,潘校長今年為學校的行政、教學團隊安排參觀計順市青山區光啓中學。今年11月25日(星期三), 在潘校長的鼓勵下,中正學院行政、教學團隊,包括中英文部總主任,英文小學部主任,副主任,幼稚園部副主任等,跨出華人區學校,前住Las Pinas的Southville 國際學校拜訪參觀。Southville 國際學校是一所私立,無宗教信仰的學校。該校曾被教育部推舉為 "School of the Future" (明日之校)。該校目前也是一所 "IB World School"。跟中正學院一樣,該校提供幼稚園、小學、中學、大學一條龍的完整學制。

當天,在英文部幼稚園和小學顧問Miss Fajardo的安排下, 由幼稚園普級大班, 學前幼兒班、小學部的主任及資深老師們前往訪問。首先, Southville 執行副董事長Dr. Tan分享了她創校25年來的點點滴滴, 同時展示該校過去與現在所有的學校規章, 辦學方向,教學計劃等,一切都井井有條,非常有系統。真是一所名副其實的質優學校。

之後,該校也安排每位老師依他們的專長參觀不同班級的教學, 這也讓所有的老師有深刻的體驗及啟發, 大家均躍躍欲試想將所看所學的與校內的老師分享。

回校後,潘校長指定出訪團隊必須進行檢討會,把所聽,所看, 所體驗到的進行自我檢討,看有什麼方面中正可以吸取與學習的,以便作為中正改革的借鏡。

中正學院董事會、校友會與學校行政團隊 禮訪光啓中學Nuvali 分校

    菲律濱中正學院自校長潘露莉博士上任以來, 不論在教學及行政上均不斷改革求新。 為了鼓勵教師們創新求變的心,潘校長也為本校教職員安排參觀不同學校, 希望能因此而截長補短, 使中正學院能在改革路上步步高升。

    繼去年系列訪問周華校以後,潘校長今年為學校的行政、教學團隊安排參觀計順市青山區光啓中學。今年11月25日(星期三), 在潘校長的鼓勵下,中正學院行政、教學團隊跨出華人區學校,前住Las Pinas的Southville 國際學校拜訪參觀。本月2日,中正團隊再度跨出華人區,參訪光啓中學位於Laguna, Nuvali的分校。而這次的團隊成員除了學校的教學、行政領導外,還加入了董事會以及校友會首級領導。 

是日,中正團隊到達光啓中學時,受到校長陳益利神父和張孟哲董事的熱情歡迎。陳神父把客人引進接待室,先給客人介紹分校開設的經過。“羅馬不是一天造成的”, 根據陳神父的介紹,該分校經過將近20年的醞釀過程,經過一段時間籌款,施工,於2012年,認為時機已經成熟,便於該年的六月份開課。第一年,全校只有130個學生,但是由於該區的迅速發展,加上光啟學校的行政以及教學團隊的優良學風,在短短的三年時間,該分校從130個學生激增至目前的七百個學生。這種迅速發展,真是可圈可點。中正團隊聽了之後,對於光啟學校的辦學精神致以由衷的敬意,並祝福光啟Nuvali分校學運持續興旺!

    之後,陳神父帶領大家參觀校舍,從剛建造完成的行政樓到教學樓、體育館、教堂等等。每一棟樓舍高雅樸實,最令人欽佩的是,每一棟大樓都是校友的捐獻,每一間教室也都是校友捐獻的。我們前面説了,“羅馬不是一天造成的”可是,看了這些學校建築以後,更進一步體會 “羅馬也不是一個人造成的。”光啓中學校友的愛校情懷,以及對教育奉獻的心,可以跟中正人媲美!

    中正團隊禮訪光啟分校之後,便轉往探望位於Nuvali附近,由已故董事長黃呈輝學長捐贈給中正學院作為新校區的位址。從Nuvali Road轉入Tagaytay Road差不多15分鐘的車程,就到達 South Forbes的大門。 從大門左轉,就到達新校區剛建好的大門。團隊的成員們就下車走進兩公頃範圍內剛鋪好的路,剛建好的圍牆。由於,新校區的地勢較高,加上那天的天氣涼爽,大家一走進去真有秋高氣爽的感覺。

Sta. Rosa, Laguna-Silang, Cavite近幾年來發展迅速,目前已有不少大學也在這一帶設立分校。早在2001年,St. Scholastica就在Westgrove, Silang, Cavite 設立分校。最近,Brent, Caritas-Don Bosco, Miiriam College,也相繼在附近設立分校。還有Ateneo把他們的MBA校區也設在這裏。拉撒大學(De La Salle) 也正在計劃把科學和科技(Science and Technology)學院搬到這邊(據説校區已在建設中)。聖多瑪大學(UST)也將在附近設立“無淹水校區” (flood-free campus)。








此外, 本園同時舉辦了美術比賽,藉以發掘有美術天份的小朋友。中班因為年紀較小, 只有讓他們著色,沒想到小小年紀的他們也都能搭配出均勻亮麗的圖案來;大班屬於自由繪畫,由於小朋友各憑自己的想像力來創作, 結果,成積也相當不錯。



More Articles...

  1. Safeguard Clean Hands, Healthy Kids
  2. 《國際漢語教師證書》和漢語教學與考試專題講座 在中正學院成功舉辦
  3. Tree Planting and Eco-trekking at the La Mesa Watershed
  4. 中正學院潘露莉校長率領中正團隊禮訪光啓中學

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